Understanding the Difference: Good Circuit Board Design vs. Bad Circuit Board Design


Introduction Circuit boards are the backbone of electronic devices, serving as a platform for connecting components and enabling the flow of electricity. The design of a circuit board plays a crucial role in the functionality, reliability, and performance of the electronic device it powers. A well-designed circuit board can ensure optimal performance, longevity, and ease […]

How To Build A Custom Flying Lead Harness From The YourSpec Template Projects

How to build a custom flying lead harness from the YourSpec templates projects

If you are looking to build a flying lead harness for an aftermarket engine management system, YourSpec makes it easy to design and order a custom flying lead harness instead of an off the shelf generic harness. In our YourSpec Wiring Project Manager (WPM) we have created wiring projects that are templates for some common […]

Understanding the Characteristics of a Good Wiring Harness

Understanding The Characteristics of a Good Wiring Harness

Understanding the Characteristics of a Good Wiring Harness Importance of Proper Layout and Assembly When it comes to evaluating the quality of a wiring harness, the way it is laid out and assembled plays a crucial role. A good wiring harness should strike a balance between being neither too loose nor too tight when interconnecting […]

When is it time to design a custom flying lead harness with YourSpec?

Custom Flying Harnesses

When is it time to design a custom flying lead harness with YourSpec? In the world of automotive engineering and racing, the importance of a well-designed flying lead harness CANNOT be overstated. A flying lead harness is a loose connection of wires that’s designed specifically to meet the needs of your specific project. At YourSpec, […]



Soldering holds a close place to my heart. Weird thing to say but it’s true. I learned in my electronics class in high school (shout out Mr. Faddis). In one way or another I carried this skill until today. Really this class inspired me to become an electrical engineer and now I’m here working in […]

Solder and Flux Usage

Solder And Flux Usage

There are many types of solder to choose from with different alloy make up. Different solder types often have specific applications and melting temperatures. Most common solders used are 63-37 Tin Lead Rosin core, or lead-free solder SN99 AG0.3 CU0.7. I find myself using leaded solder as it’s the easiest to find and have consistent […]